Jack Canon's American Destiny

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Author Interview – Vadim Babenko

Who is your publisher? Ergo Sum Publishing is my own imprint. After getting two earlier novels published by major Russian houses, I decided to switch to self-publishing and have never regretted my decision. It takes a lot of resources and effort to create a perfect, professional-looking book and then market it on your own. But if one can do that, I see no reason to give away rights to a book to some other party. Now, finally, there are channels such as Amazon.com which can bring books to the attention of the widest-possible audience while bypassing the traditional “middlemen.” It’s a publishing industry revolution, no less, and represents an exciting time for writers.

What was the hardest part about writing this book? I think the most difficult part of writing any novel is maintaining the required level of energy and concentration for several years it takes to complete it. SEMMANT wasn’t different in this regard.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Of course, and there isn’t just one. :) To simplify greatly and make it very short, I’ll say it as it appears on my website: “Never tamper with love!”

Have you included a lot of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot? I did include some, but not much.

What are your goals as a writer? To express in proper words everything I have to say, and to put all my energy into that.

Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? I do travel a lot regardless of my books. And I write only about those places which I know really well.

What books have most influenced your life? “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy; the poetry of Alexander Pushkin and Joseph Brodsky; “The Castle” and short stories by Franz Kafka.

A Simple Soul

His crafty plan results in a deadly threat. Her hopes keep her locked in a vicious circle. They parted ways, supposedly forever. But will they be able to live apart?

Elizaveta, an attractive Muscovite, experiences a series of odd events: she is followed; she receives anonymous calls, flowers, and gifts. The culprit is her former lover, Timofey. He now lives far from Moscow and has a flourishing business, but a serious threat emerges when the daughter of a local mafia boss wants to marry him. Timofey knows his life is at risk if he says no. He creates a cunning scheme to save himself by staging a sham marriage with Elizaveta playing a primary role. Masterfully manipulating her feelings, Timofey persuades her to come visit him in his small town, but things soon take a dramatic turn.

A seemingly romantic journey becomes a struggle for survival. Timofey and Elizaveta confront real danger when they least expect it. Love and deception reveal their essence when the best of intentions come into conflict with each other. The protagonists try hard to achieve their goals, but, in the end, each of them finds something much different instead. Illusion, ultimately, proves stronger than reality. And coincidences are often not so random after all.

Buy Now @ Amazon & Amazon UK

Genre – Literary Fiction

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Website http://www.vadimbabenko.com/


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